
  • The Bus Ticket that taught Me the Extent of a Mother’s Love

    The Bus Ticket that taught Me the Extent of a Mother’s Love

    I’m huddled down in the tall grass. It’s dark, and a light rain has made everything around me wet. As I assess the situation, I try not to think about whether there are snakes around me. I hear people’s voices as they go in and out of the rest area. Some laugh. They are having…

  • A Simple Method for an Extraordinary Reset

    A Simple Method for an Extraordinary Reset

    “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than they seek.” ~ John Muir With the switch to daylight savings time in the rearview mirror, I recently enjoyed the longer daylight by taking my dogs for a late afternoon walk. I found myself reminiscing about my teenage years. Growing up on the shores of Lake…

  • The Path to Love isn’t What We Think

    The Path to Love isn’t What We Think

    My hands are sweating as I clench the steering wheel despite the sub-freezing temperatures outside the car. I nervously check the rearview mirror and note the car is still there. For the past three minutes, there has been a black Subaru inches from my rear bumper. I look at my dashboard and note that I…

  • 6 Words that Helped me Reach the Summit (Literally & Metaphorically)

    6 Words that Helped me Reach the Summit (Literally & Metaphorically)

    As I took another calculated step up the 60 degree slope, I looked up toward where I thought the summit might be. It still looked really far away. I sighed and said “rest,” and for the umpteenth time, my guide Karo stopped. At 18,000 feet, the exhaustion after many hours of climbing took what little…

  • A Gentle 4-Step Practice for Settling the Mind

    A Gentle 4-Step Practice for Settling the Mind

    “The natural quality of mind is clear, awake, alert, and knowing. Free from fixation. By training in being present, we come to know the nature of our mind. So the more you train in being present – being right here – the more you begin to feel like your mind is sharpening up. The mind…

  • In Times of Conflict: A War Cry from Pema Chödrön to take Radical Responsibility

    In Times of Conflict: A War Cry from Pema Chödrön to take Radical Responsibility

    Like most people, I am watching the unfolding of events in the West Bank with sadness, confusion, and a good dose of fear. As a woman recently married into a Jewish family, I feel more directly impacted than previous conflicts in the region. I am watching my family and friends posting about the bombings, kidnappings,…

  • Setting an Intention: How to Live a Life Without Regrets & Inspire Others

    Setting an Intention: How to Live a Life Without Regrets & Inspire Others

    One of the most powerful intersections for personal growth is fueling an intention with meditation and mindfulness, complemented by heart-driven practices. Throughout our lives, we experience many stages of growth and transformation. I recently found a picture of me when I was 15 years old. I knew it was me from my favorite black panther…

  • Community-Builders: 10 Reasons to Join a Meditation Immersion

    Community-Builders: 10 Reasons to Join a Meditation Immersion

    “Loneliness and isolation represent profound threats to our health and well-being. But we have the power to respond. By taking small steps every day to strengthen our relationships, and by supporting community efforts to rebuild social connection, we can rise to meet this moment together. We can build lives and communities that are healthier and…

  • Why Community is the Answer to Everything

    Why Community is the Answer to Everything

    “Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.” ~ Pema Chödrön “Do you know how to use the French press?” He asked. I felt mild irritation arise. I was already on my second cup of coffee for the morning with a solid 30 years of coffee making experience under…

  • Apology or Amends? The Perfect Yung Pueblo Quote to Help you Decide

    Apology or Amends? The Perfect Yung Pueblo Quote to Help you Decide

    A childhood friend recently resurfaced in my life via Facebook Messenger. She shared that my likes and encouraging comments on her recent health journey were triggering. She kindly explained that she didn’t feel that I had offered her amends for the way that I treated her in the past and that it was still bothering…