The Bus Ticket that taught Me the Extent of a Mother’s Love

Category: Uncategorized

  • The Bus Ticket that taught Me the Extent of a Mother’s Love

    The Bus Ticket that taught Me the Extent of a Mother’s Love

    I’m huddled down in the tall grass. It’s dark, and a light rain has made everything around me wet. As I assess the situation, I try not to think about whether there are snakes around me. I hear people’s voices as they go in and out of the rest area. Some laugh. They are having…

  • A Simple Method for an Extraordinary Reset

    A Simple Method for an Extraordinary Reset

    “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than they seek.” ~ John Muir With the switch to daylight savings time in the rearview mirror, I recently enjoyed the longer daylight by taking my dogs for a late afternoon walk. I found myself reminiscing about my teenage years. Growing up on the shores of Lake…

  • The Path to Love isn’t What We Think

    The Path to Love isn’t What We Think

    My hands are sweating as I clench the steering wheel despite the sub-freezing temperatures outside the car. I nervously check the rearview mirror and note the car is still there. For the past three minutes, there has been a black Subaru inches from my rear bumper. I look at my dashboard and note that I…